As you've certainly read, a Steak 'N Shake has opened right around the corner from the hotel that Roger Ebert called home when he reported from Cannes. Roger's love for the restaurant is well-documented and so the restaurant opening launched a fun response via social media. We've collected some of our favorite tweets on the subject of steak, shakes, and Cannes.
In honor of Roger Ebert, first lunch in #Cannes at Steak-n-Shake with @RoseKuo and @Jake_Howell. Classic Southern Illinois goodness.
— David Poland (@DavidPoland) May 14, 2014ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7s7vGnqmempWnwW%2BvzqZmn52jqba3rcusZq2vmanBpr6Mq5ysqJ%2BjsbR506hkmmWjqbKit4ynZKygkaCybrvPnqWippdirrV5wpqlp52j