Kiwi Avocado Salsa Verde

My husband Jack really loves kiwi. He grew up in Florida, so I always envisioned him growing up among kiwi trees.His grandfather had quite the green thumb, and Jack always tells stories of the fruits and vegetables they would pick and eat together. He talks about kiwi so much that I had just assumed that

My husband Jack really loves kiwi. He grew up in Florida, so I always envisioned him growing up among kiwi trees. His grandfather had quite the green thumb, and Jack always tells stories of the fruits and vegetables they would pick and eat together. He talks about kiwi so much that I had just assumed that this tropical fruit was part of that picture as well. Last week when I was trying to dream up a unique salsa recipe, I thought kiwi would be fun and different, and most importantly – Jack would love it. It’s not a fruit I typically…


This cauliflower rice burrito bowl delivers all the best parts of a Chipotle burrito bowl – fajita veggies, cilantro lime flavor, plenty of black beans and avocado – and skips the worst part (aka the food coma that comes when you’re done). To make it lighter, I swap seasoned cauliflower rice for regular rice. Then, instead of piling it with cheese or sour cream, I finish it with a creamy cashew green chile sauce. The combination is light, bright, and downright fun. I can’t get enough of it! Cauliflower Rice Burrito Bowl Components Here’s what’s you’ll need to make this…


This no bake energy balls recipe resulted from a massive cookie flop. I was craving a cookie, but I didn’t have the exact ingredients for my oatmeal cookie recipe on hand. I messed around with it, swapping in what I did have, and I ended up with a sweet and nutty “dough” made from oats and almond butter. It was never going to bake into perfect oatmeal cookies, but it tasted so good that I immediately thought, “Energy bites!” A few tests later, and these oatmeal energy balls have become my favorite healthy snack. They’re rich, nutty, and chewy, and…


Today, we’re celebrating our cookbook launch with one last giveaway – and it’s a good one! You may have noticed that I have a thing for smoothies, blended soups and creamy sauces. I just love my Vitamix – but have you seen the new copper Vitamix!? It’s pretty, it’s powerful, and one of you will get one! pictured above: Carrot Gazpacho with Lemongrass and Creamy Miso Brussels Sprout Fettuccini from the Love & Lemons Cookbook. This giveaway is now closed, thanks for entering!   If you don’t have a book, click here to get one! A winner will be chosen at random. The giveaway…


Let’s cut to the chase – I love root beer floats. Oh, by the way, this is Jack posting once again. That’s not to say that Jeanine doesn’t love root beer floats, but when we got an opportunity to work with a beer company that brews alcoholic root beer, I knew I would be writing this post. The first question I had, of course, was “boozy root beer? Is it good?” Well I’m glad to say that yes, BEST DAMN Brewing Co.’s hard root beer is really good and tastes just like root beer. Root beer floats may be one of my favorite…


Last spring, my mom visited for over a month to help with the book and one of her tasks was Designated Artichoke Cleaner. I love artichokes, but trimming them is kind of a hassle. Unfortunately, my mom does not live an artichoke cleaning’s distance away. Last weekend when I brought these artichokes home, I thought about re-assigning this task to Jack (he is the risotto stirrer and the pomegranate seed picker, among other useful things). But I decided to go for it myself, like a big girl, and it really wasn’t so bad. If you’re psyching yourself out of artichokes this spring – don’t! They take a little time, but…


Is it Saturday yet? I’ve been on the biggest breakfast kick and lately fruit-filled smoothies, muffins, and waffles are all I’ve been able to think about. I just finished eating a blueberry version of these muffins and now I’m sitting here daydreaming about what I might bake up this weekend. Since sweet breakfasts can get unhealthy really quickly, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite lighter morning treats. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! pictured above: Sunshine Citrus Chia Bowls Vegan French Toast / Matcha Kale & Peach Smoothies Vegan Carrot Cake Waffles / Cinnamon Quinoa Bowls pictured above: Healthy Apple Cinnamon…


My sweet breakfast kick continues. For over a year, I was on a nonstop savory & spicy breakfast kick. Next came the carrot-ey baked goods, and now we’re onto these vegan scones. Or I should say, the royal “we” are on to these scones. Jack loves them too, but my dirty secret is that he only has one or two out of every batch because I hide the extras in the freezer – where I know he will never look (well, until he reads this). Vegan Scones Ingredients These little treats are vegan and gluten-free. Instead of butter and cream, they’re made…


Happy Monday! To celebrate the 3rd week of our cookbook being in the world, I have a really fun giveaway. I absolutely love my Staub cast iron cookware and it’s the best I’ve ever owned so I thought – why not share the love? The pieces are made in France, the quality is amazing, and they look SO beautiful. I’m giving away the 4 cast iron items that you see here in this post. I mean, not literally these, you will get brand new cookware and you can choose whatever colors you want too. One lucky reader will receive these lovelies: – one 12-inch cast iron…


I love tortillas as much as the next person. Actually, I take that back. I probably love tortillas more than the average person, but today I’m ditching them to wrap taco-like things with green wraps instead. This lightened-up “taco” recipe is inspired by these gorgeous collard greens that were in my Farmhouse box a little while ago. How pretty are they?? Along with local oranges, a chunk of red cabbage, a few limes, and an avocado, these wraps became a brighter, healthier version of fish tacos. The collard greens make delicious wrappers, but the key is to blanch them a little bit first. By dipping them…


Move over cauliflower crust pizza, we’ve got chickpea flour pizza! Whenever I announce that we’re having “pizza night!” Jack gets excited. But when I follow it with “gluten free pizza night!,” he knows that he’s about to work with overly sticky dough that he can’t toss in the air. Air-tossing aside, this chickpea flour dough was easy to work with, and we both enjoyed making (and eating) this pizza, which comes from the book Chickpea Flour Does it All, by Lindsey Love. Lindsey is also the creator of one of my absolute favorite food blogs – Dolly and Oatmeal. I’m sure…


